147.36 K4SCO Repeater Relocation

The 147.36 repeater has been relocated back to the Section area in preparation for the severe weather season. This new location will be it’s home for up to a year while work continues on finding a permanent home and tower site in the area. Below are pictures taken from both days showing the tower construction and installation. Click an image to see the full-size version.

K4SCO SKYWARN Linked Repeater
147.36 + / 123Hz PL


20160305_092219 20160305_101753 20160305_101803 20160305_101809 20160305_124631 20160305_124658 20160305_124712 20160305_124716 20160305_125358 20160305_125411 20160305_125425 20160305_130341 20160305_130349 20160305_140406 20160305_140449 20160305_140517 20160305_140602 20160305_142209 20160305_142228 20160305_142230 20160305_142240 20160305_142248 20160305_142257 20160305_142307 20160305_142319 20160305_142408 20160305_142413 20160305_142430 20160305_145925 20160305_152403 IMG_1128 IMG_1131 IMG_1132 IMG_1134 IMG_1137 IMG_1139 IMG_1140 IMG_1149 IMG_1151 IMG_1152 IMG_1153 IMG_1154 IMG_1156 IMG_1157 IMG_1158

One thought to “147.36 K4SCO Repeater Relocation”

  1. Good Job Fellas! It seems to be working great. If I had known, I would have came out and provided moral support (or brought doughnuts).

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