Open for business at the 2019 Jackson County Fair.
Jackson County Amateur Radio, CERT, EMA, and E911.
Category: Fair

2016 Jackson County Fair
The annual Jackson County Fair is coming up, September 6th through the 10th at the VFW Fairgrounds in Scottsboro Alabama. Be sure to come by our booth and check out what’s happening in Amateur Radio and Emergency Communications! If you are interested in becoming a HAM we’ll have all the materials necessary to help you get your license and get on the air! Check out our Get Licensed! page for more details and enjoy some pictures from last year.
Jackson County Fair
Jackson County ARES/RACES and Amateur Radio Club were present at the annual Jackson County Fair this year. The booth was fully operational each night with VHF, UHF, HF, Digital, and Satellite Tracking stations. Saturday evening was also the Boy Scouts of America annual workshop where our members demonstrated Amateur Radio to the Scouts and Scout Leaders including portable operation, Go-Boxes, and Digital Modes.
If you have any additional pictures to add please send them to K4NHA.
Click on an image to see a larger version.