The first ARES group meeting was held on Thursday, June 25th at the Jackson County EOC. Pictured from left to right:
Wayne Reed (K4TTZ – Madison County AEC), Richard Shrader (W4RBS), Richard Arnold (KB4RMA), Brad Arnold (K4NHA), Bob Hayes (WD4CZV), Paul Smith (KK4VYI), and Brad Ivey (KK4UWF). Not pictured and behind the camera was Tim Holland (KK5H – Madison County EC).
Special thanks to Tim and Wayne from Huntsville/Madison County RACES for coming out to help us get ARES up and running in Jackson County!
The next meeting will be Thursday, July 23rd, 6:00pm – 7:00pm at the Jackson County EOC. All persons interested in ARES and serving a vital role in your community are invited to attend.