Jackson County Amateur Radio Meeting
The Jackson County Amateur Radio club meets on the second Saturday of each month at the Hollywood Community Center in Hollywood Alabama. Anyone interested in Amateur Radio, licensed or not are invited to attend. Discussion topics range from beginner information to highly technical experiments. There is also usually at least one presentation given at each meeting related to Amateur Radio. We announce the presentation topic the week of the meeting at https://www.facebook.com/JacksonCountyAmateurRadio
When: 2nd Saturday of each Month – 10:00AM
Talk-In: 146.90 and 147.09 Repeaters [More Info]
Hollywood Community Center
6759 CO RD 33
Hollywood, AL 35752
Shorty Machen’s Grocery is nearby and excellent to pickup breakfast on your way!
Jackson County ARES Meeting
The Jackson County ARES group meets each month at the EMA Emergency Operation Center in the Jackson County Courthouse. All hams interested in performing a vital service of supporting Jackson County Agencies and working closely with the Emergency Nets, National Weather Service, and local public service are welcome to attend.
When: 4th Thursday of each Month – 6:00pm
Parking: West side of Courthouse – Enter at basement entrance at EMA sign
Talk-In: 146.90 and 147.09 Repeaters [More Info]
Jackson County EMA
Felix L. Jackson Emergency Operations Center
102 E Laurel St
Scottsboro, AL 35768